

Our admissions counselors are here to answer any questions you have about admissions, financial aid, enrollment, degree programs, uw的生活等等. Scroll down to find your personal admissions counselor based on your high school.




The 道成肉身的大学 Office of Admissions is dedicated to being an all-encompassing resource for incoming students. We are student-centered and strive to support all scholars by providing university information, 个人预约和专业咨询. 我们的任务是招募人才, 录取和招收各种背景的未来枢机主教, 通过参与和有影响力的活动. We take pride in providing a unique admissions experience to our future and returning students.



Phone: (210) 805-2543
Email: jsdelaro@uiwtx.edu

杰西卡在休斯顿出生和长大, Texas, and is a product of Catholic school education from kindergarten through high school. In 2003, she moved to San Antonio and began her career working with both high school and college students in education. 2015年12月, she graduated from the 道成肉身的大学 with a master’s degree in Organizational Development.


  • 我为家里的十字架墙收集十字架.
  • 我最喜欢的颜色是红色和黑色.
  • 我暗地里喜欢看Netflix上的外国犯罪剧.

对我来说,在UIW,世界是 Connectivity! There are so many opportunities for students to connect with other people on the UIW campus. In the process, you will develop your own connection to the school which will help you as you work toward your academic goals. 我总是告诉学生:去了解你的教授和管理人员, get involved, 建立持久的关系. College will be what you make of it; you’ll get out of it what you put in to it—so put your best foot forward! And if you’re not sure where to start, come see me, and I’ll be glad to help you!

  • 德州狭长地带
  • West Texas


Steven Puente,新生招生顾问

Steven Puente

Phone: (210) 805-2542
Email: srpuente@uiwtx.edu

Steven was born and raised in San Antonio, Texas, and is a graduate of McCollum High School. 2015年12月, he graduated with his Bachelor of Business Administration with a concentration in Management from the 道成肉身的大学. 他现在正在攻读工商管理硕士学位.


  • 我喜欢看动漫.
  • 我以前是个DJ!
  • 我喜欢弹吉他.

对我来说,在UIW,世界是 Future! The reason I chose to get my undergraduate degree, specifically from UIW, was to better my future. UIW showed me the dedication they have from the staff and faculty to help me achieve my goals. 这是真的:成功的第一个关键从这里开始,UIW.

  • 中西部地区(州外)
  • 东北地区(州外)
  • 西北地区(州外)
  • 东南(州外)
  • 西南地区(州外)
  • 其他州外领地




Phone: (210) 890-8986
Email: efdelacr@uiwtx.edu

伊曼纽尔是德克萨斯州圣安东尼奥人. 他毕业于中央天主教高中, and he is a proud alumnus of the 道成肉身的大学 Class of 2020. He obtained his Bachelor of Arts in Political Science with a minor in Psychology. 伊曼纽尔目前正在攻读高等教育文学硕士学位.


  • 我打长曲棍球超过11年了.
  • 我是DC漫画的超级粉丝!
  • 我计划参观美国所有的63个国家公园.

对我来说,在UIW,世界是 Passion! As an alumnus, 我发现我勤工俭学的经历, 学生和俱乐部下载澳门赌博官网员帮助我建立了对UIW的热情. 教职员工随时准备以任何可能的方式帮助学生, 我们的学生团体为每个人创造了积极的体验. 从我们的招生顾问到我们多样化的学生工作人员, UIW渴望并准备向您展示我们的独特之处. Our passion for this university and for what we do will automatically make you feel like you belong in the Nest!

  • Boerne ISD
  • 伯恩高中
  • Samuel V. 冠军高中
  • Del Rio
  • Eagle Pass
  • El Paso
  • Laredo
  • 新布朗费尔斯ISD
  • 圣安东尼奥北部


Jacob R. Morales

Phone: (210) 805-3075
Email: jrmorale@uiwtx.edu

雅各布在德克萨斯州卡里佐斯普林斯长大. 他毕业于卡里佐斯普林高中. 高中毕业后, he attended the University of Texas at San Antonio where he obtained his Bachelor of Arts in Communications in 2020.


  • 我是一个电子游戏爱好者.
  • 我尽量一个月去听好几场音乐会.
  • 我梦想的假期是日本.

对我来说,在威斯康星大学,世界是 Community! 我们的首要任务是为我们的学生和社区服务. I am so thankful to be a part of an institution that does everything it can to provide for and serve its students, 教职员工. 如果您有任何需要,我们将竭尽全力为您服务!

  • Beaumont
  • 布兰代斯高中
  • 布伦南高中
  • CAST教高中
  • 克拉克高中
  • 传播艺术高中
  • 建筑职业学院
  • Corpus Christi
  • East Texas
  • 哈兰高中
  • 健康职业高中
  • 福尔摩斯高中
  • Houston
  • 约翰·杰伊高中
  • 约翰·杰伊科学与工程学院
  • 约翰·马歇尔高中
  • Northside ISD
  • 奥康纳高中
  • 索托马约尔高中
  • 史蒂文斯高中
  • 塔夫脱高中
  • 沃伦高中


Alissa Trevino

Phone: (210) 805-1242
Email: aatrevi3@uiwtx.edu

Alissa was born and raised in San Antonio and graduated from Harlandale High School. She recently graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Exercise and Sports Science from St. 玛丽大学,2023年12月. She plans on pursuing her master's degree with a concentration in Student Services in Higher Education at UIW.


  • I'm a cat mom.
  • 我最喜欢的艺术家是Olivia Rodrigo和Pitbull.
  • 凯莉·安德伍德和我是姐妹会的姐妹.

对我来说,在UIW,世界是 Committed! Our faculty, staff and students are committed to achieving academic excellence and better serving their community. Additionally, our admissions team is committed to helping you find your home at the nest and assisting with any questions you may have!

  • I-35 Austin
  • Central Texas
  • Edgewood ISD
  • Gulf Coast
  • Harlandale ISD
  • 圣安东尼奥市
  • 南圣安东尼奥ISD
  • Southside ISD
  • Southwest ISD
  • Waco



Ali Gonzalez

Phone: (210) 805-3550
Email: angonz12@uiwtx.edu

阿里在德克萨斯州的拉雷多出生和长大,毕业于约翰B. 亚历山大高中. 阿里毕业于德州理工大学&国际大学传播学文学学士学位.


  • 我的狗叫本·泰勒. 是的,他有一个中间名.
  • 我是坏兔子和奥利维亚·罗德里戈·斯坦.
  • 我可以每餐都吃点心! Yummy!

对我来说,在UIW,世界是 Opportunity! 威斯康星大学提供的机会是无穷无尽的. You may find opportunities as a student or as a professional in your chosen career once you are a UIW alum. 在你的本科学习过程中, 你会发现很多成为领导者的机会, 伸出援助之手,或者与你的教授建立融洽的关系, 对等体和管理员.



Phone: (210) 832-2194
Email: smrodri1@uiwtx.edu

索菲亚在拉雷多出生长大, Texas, 从幼儿园到大学都是天主教教育的产物. 索菲亚的UIW之旅始于2014年, where she attained a Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration with a concentration in International Business and a minor in Communication Arts in 2018. 她于2023年12月毕业,获得传播艺术硕士学位. Throughout her time at UIW, Sofia was involved with various organizations and worked on campus. 她还在国外读过本科和研究生.


  • 我非常喜欢旅行. 下一个我想去美国以外的地方.S.: Greece.
  • 我是80年代电影和音乐迷! 我觉得我应该出生在80年代.
  • 我曾在德国海德堡和法国斯特拉斯堡留学.

对我来说,在威斯康星大学,世界是 Family! UIW is my home and the people who have been part of my journey have become my family. uw的教职员工与其他学校不同,真诚地关心学生. Various departments on campus do their very best to make students feel seen and heard, 并鼓励整个校园的参与. UIW offers a welcoming environment that gives students the opportunity to connect with amazing people who work hard to make your experience a great one.



Phone: (210) 805-3097
Email: cmguerre@uiwtx.edu

坎迪斯是圣安东尼奥本地人,毕业于凯伦·瓦格纳高中. She earned her Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science and a minor in Biology from the 道成肉身的大学. She began her journey in education as an environmental educator in New Hampshire.


  • 我制作和修改机械键盘.
  • 我喜欢独立音乐和收集唱片.
  • 我喜欢马丁医生. 我穿什么衣服都穿!

对我来说,在UIW,世界是 Pride! 我在威斯康星大学的时光塑造了今天的我. I was able to receive an amazing education while being given opportunities to serve and lead in my community. 无论我做什么,我都努力体现uw的服务和教育的核心价值观. 我的经历使我成为一名自豪的红衣主教,我希望你也能如此!


Phone: (210) 829-6005
Email: gradadmissions@uiwtx.edu




Phone: (210) 829-3180
Email: rmrodri6@uiwtx.edu

Robin was born and raised in San Antonio and graduated from Oliver Wendell Holmes High school. 她搬到了维多利亚, Texas, to pursue her bachelor's degree and graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Psychology from the University of Houston-Victoria in 2020. She is currently pursing her master's degree in human resource management and is expected to graduate in December 2024.


  • 我在中国北京留学,还爬过长城!
  • 我有三只猫,打算再救更多.
  • 我是史努比的超级粉丝.

对我来说,在威斯康星大学,世界是 Innovate! UIW strives to build the next generation of innovative individuals who help build communities and serve those who need it most.



Phone: (210) 805-3098
Email: gmzuniga@uiwtx.edu

加布里埃拉在德克萨斯州圣安东尼奥出生并长大. She graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Communication from Angelo State University in San Angelo, Texas. She is currently pursuing her master's degree in Higher Education Administration from Texas Tech University and is set to graduate in August of 2022.


  • 我是圣安东尼奥马刺队的超级球迷! Go Spurs Go!
  • My favorite drink from Starbucks is a grande salted caramel cold foam cold brew.
  • 贾斯汀·比伯在推特上关注我!

对我来说,在威斯康星大学,世界是 Serve! 我们的首要任务是为我们的学生和社区服务. I am so thankful to be a part of an institution that does everything they can to provide for and serve their students, 教职员工. 如果您有任何需要,我们将竭尽全力为您服务!